Hope Beyond Hell


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“Have you been tormented by the thought of dying? Do you know the anguish of thinking that you or a loved one might suffer in hell forever? You are not alone. As I read 'Hope Beyond Hell', I cried for joy. It assures us of a Love that never gives up on us no matter how miserably we fail.”
Charles Slagle – Author, Evangelist

“I love Hope Beyond Hell; it changed my life. After 60 years of being afraid of God, I was finally introduced to the true God of infinite love, who is bound neither by time nor death; the Savior of the whole world.”
Dr. Terry Schwartz Prof., Wheaton College

“Not fancy theories, but numerous Scriptures and quotes from Bible scholars of many generations. Everyone needs to read and study this book.”
Richard W. Rundell, Ph.D.

“One of the best books ever written showing from Scripture that God's judgments are remedial.”
Dr. Stephen Jones, M.Div., D.D., Author, speaker
