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Sunday Zoom Fellowships

2:30-5:00 pm (NY Time) Nurturing Hope Fellowship

We usually launch our discussions with a 10-20 minute reflection, or open the floor to all in anticipation of the Holy Spirit encouraging, comforting and building us up in our joyous faith. 1 Cor. 14: 3, 26, 31

Open Mic ABC’s 

A. Please view and practice Christ Honoring Conversions (9 min. video)

B. To make sure that every participant has an equal opportunity to share: 

1. We raise our hands before we speak.*

2. We are conscious of how long and frequently we speak, especially when others have raised their hand and are waiting to speak. 

C. Listening only is fine. However, in the course of each meeting, we directly invite the “quiet” ones to share something they are thinking or feeling. This often draws them in—which enriches us all!  Also, the host will periodically allow an extended pause to encourage the quiet ones to share. 

D. If a particular scripture (or something else) is troubling you, please chat-message the host. If time and context permit, we’ll explore it together. If not, leave your email or phone so we can get back to you personally. 

* Select the “Reaction” tab (below) or just raise your physical hand.  



Meeting Instructions

At the designated time: go to this link:  [OR] First download the free Zoom app at

Meeting ID: 5284622212 Password: 410410

Questions? Call 956 280-1708 or email [email protected]

Email Sign-Up: Stay abreast on meetings, videos, articles, books, events . . .

Stay informed of our weekly Sunday Zoom meetings here on this page.

Zoom Sunday Recordings   

4/6/24  REWLY RELEASED: Eternal Theater Documentary / New Book: Believable: Discover the God that Saves ALL
6/4/23  Peter Hiett (pastor the Sanctuary, Denver) Guest Speaker Part 1 6/4/23  Peter Hiett (pastor the Sanctuary, Denver) Guest Speaker Part 2
1/9/22  Victorious Gospel Verses and Questions Roger Norman READ PDF
8/29/21 All Live in Christ Jonathan Mitchell (NT translator)
1/17/21  Blood of Jesus; God’s Breath of Life  Randy Walterman
1/24/21 Every Knee Will Bow is Salvific Worship 1-7 of 20 Reasons Gerry B
1/31/21 Every Knee Will Bow is Salvific Worship 8-14 Reasons Continued
Every Knee Will Bow 30 points web page and pdf 
2/07/21 Daniel Knudsen Testimony and Eternal Theater Movie Update
2/14/21 Dwight Cardoza’s Story (8+ minutes)
More to Come ASAP after I finish a pressing deadline for a Dental Care For All project . . .